陶子钢琴工作室 (Taoz Piano Studio)在温哥华和本拿比,大温地区从事钢琴教育工作。自2018年成立以来,因材施教、形式多样、耐心认真、教学严谨,学生屡获殊荣。不仅传授琴技,同时注重陶冶学生情操。深得学生和家长的喜爱陶子钢琴工作室竭力于打造一个温馨有爱,滋润型的教学氛围言传身教,并提供良好的教学环境,给每一位工作室所授学生。


TAOZ Piano Studio piano locates in Vancouver and Burnaby, BC, Canada. Since its establishment in 2018, we have taught students with great patience, diligence with professionalism that striving for excellency both academically and musically. Our vision believes students are not only learning musical skills here, but also cultivating students’ emotional, social bonding through music playing. TAOZ Piano Studio adheres to the concept to nurture a warm, loving and welcoming atmosphere and learning experience at our studio.

With the right teachers, methods and goals, we are determined to walk along the path with student’s journey of success in music learning here!


  • 初级教学 – 注重基本功培养,演奏,以及技术练习(手型的培养、弹奏方法、识谱、节奏、以及视唱练耳训练)
  • 中级教学 – 注重技术以及演奏的整体提升与打磨,不单单仅限于弹奏准确的音符节奏;培养学生对音乐的更深的领悟与对音乐的敏锐感
  • 高级教学 – 注重对演奏上的精益求精,全面分析每首曲目的诠释 (情感、技巧、音乐背景);抓住每首曲目上细节处理与变化 (都说细节决定成绩)

Teaching Pedagogic Approaches:

Primary to elementary level – focus on basic skills such as performance development, and technical foundation (hand posture development, playing methods (articulation, playing keys with right attack and action), notation reading, rhythm, introducing sight reading, and ear training musicianship)

Intermediate level – focus on the overall improvement and polishing technique and performance skills, not only limited to playing accurate notes and rhythm; further cultivate students’ deeper understanding of music sensitivity and interpretation.

Advanced level – Striving for excellency in performance achievements, analyzing interpretations of each repertoire (expressiveness, performance technique, music theory, and history); work on the nuanced details of each individual piece.

Schubert Moment Musicaux op.94, no.4 – performed by Sarah Tao







“Music is a higher enlightenment than all wisdom and philosophy. Whoever can reveal the meaning of my music will be able to transcend the inextricable suffering of ordinary people.”

— Beethoven

“The piano is to me what a speedboat is to a sailor, and a camel is to an Arab. The piano is me, my mother tongue, and my life.”

— Franz Liszt

“There are many young people nowadays whose skills are so good that they are scary, but their kung fu is all in their hands. It is just for entertaining people, not art. Art is a contact with the spiritual realm.”

–Fu Cong