教师介绍 Our Teacher

Royal Conservatory of Music Certified Teacher

Sarah Tao  陶玉

UBC 音乐教育硕士 (M.MEd., UBC),维多利亚大学钢琴学士 (Uvic, B.Mus) , 皇家音乐学院认证高级钢琴教师(RCM Advanced Piano Specialist Instructor),卑诗省注册音乐教师协会成员 (BCRMTA member)

陶老师5岁开始学琴至今;14岁曾在加拿大家园网上发布连载自建《我的钢琴故事》 ,文章引起网友有共鸣与好评并收为精华回忆录。大学期间曾多次为黑管,小提琴,法国号,美声等担任钢琴伴奏及演出。曾参加Colin Tilney, Janet Scott-Hoyt, Jacques Després 的大师班 。攻读大学学士期间也曾获得Joyce and Don Brake 音乐奖学金;Bernard Naylor Memorial, Florence Gertrude McConnell 助学金等。陶老师年幼师从于温哥华钢琴教育家王爽老师;后师从于加拿大钢琴名师 — 斯坦威签约钢琴家/Uvic大学钢琴教授 Arthur Rowe;国际知名钢琴演奏家 Michelle Mares, 以及现代音乐钢琴家 UBC 大学教授Corey Hamm。受到每位导师们的指导与启迪鼓舞下,陶老师对音乐演奏以及音乐教育上充满了热情与认真。陶老师热爱音乐,教学严谨,细致,耐心,注重激发学生对音乐的爱好和培养学生的弹奏技术学生更是活跃在各项比赛音乐会等活动,所授学生更是取得比赛中最高94分的优异表现,8级乐理考级最高97分,RCM考级中取得90分的优异的成绩。最重要的是陶老师相信用音乐的热情与爱让更多的孩子,爱上音乐的旋律,爱上钢琴的声音

Sarah Tao, who loves music profoundly and is an enthusiastic pianist and piano teacher. She holds the  Bachelor of Music degree of piano major at the University of Victoria, and Master of Music Education in UBC. Sarah was taught by several distinguished musicians such as Shauna Wang, Arthur Rowe, Corey Hamm, and Michelle Mares. Sarah has performed across a variety of venues across the BC province in Canada such as the Douglas College Performing Art Theatre, the UBC Barnett Hall, Philip T. Young Recital Hall, Craigdarroch Castle,TomLee Performing Hall, and many more. Sarah has received scholarships and bursaries during her studies at Uvic including Joyce and Don Brake Scholarship in Music, Bernard Naylor Memorial Bursary in Music, Florence Gertrude McConnell Bursary in Music, Erna Beltsheva Bursary in Music. With her dedication and passion toward piano performing and teaching, many students of hers has made great achievement in music performing as well as the growth of emotional strength through the process of music learning. From the students Ms. Tao has taught, among them students has achieved as high as 94 in music competition, 97 on level 8 theory exam, and achieved 90 on RCM piano exams.

Ben Liao 廖老师

音乐理论、视唱练耳及钢琴课老师 Specialized in Music Theory,Musicianship & Aural Skills, Piano Instructor)

蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学文学院哲学部与Schulich 音乐学院(Graduate of McGill University Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy and Schulich School of Music),音乐研究专业,音乐理论辅修钢琴(Department of Music Research, Theory, Piano Concentration)。后赴苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学哲学研究所深造 (Postgraduate work in University of St. Andrews, Philosophy );RCM皇家音乐院注册老师,高级乐理专家认证老师(RCM Registered Teacher; Certified Advanced Theory Teacher)


Ben Liao

Ben has expertise in Music Theory, Analysis and Improvisation. He is an experienced theory, music history/appreciation, musicianship and aural skills teacher to students of all ages and background. In his 10 years of professional teaching, he has developed a unique and engaging method for instilling the necessary music tools to enable enjoyable and meaningful music-making and has helped innumerable students achieve their musical, academic and examination goals. In his theory teaching, he has experience teaching and emphasizes the interplay between history, harmony and counterpoint, comparative (modern and historical) performance research, music analysis and composition, as well as aesthetics, philosophy of arts and philosophy of language and logic. In his piano teaching, he is careful to explain composers’ intentions and the range of interpretive possibilities by laying open for students the historical background, musical form, musical allusions and the character of each piece of music they undertake. Ben’s teaching style may be described as kind, approachable and patient, meticulous and rigorous in equal measure. He is most excited to share with students the musical logic and grammar behind the printed notes and is committed to cultivating in his students the soft skills needed to become confident, expressive and independent self-learners and musicians.

Seira Hayakashi

钢琴教师 Piano Instructor, 维多利亚钢琴本科 Bachelor of Music in Piano (B.Mus, Uvic)

出生于日本东京,  7 岁开始学琴。Seira Hayakashi 老师精通英文、日文。Seira Hayakashi老师是日籍老师。教学认真、规矩、有条理。Hayakashi老师擅长于启蒙教育、专注初级至中级钢琴教育、富有成教、且有丰富教学经验的老师。Hayakashi老师师从 于斯坦威钢琴家Arthur Rowe 教授学习钢琴,并持有本地维多利亚大学钢琴音乐学士文凭。就读大学期间课外之于,她还曾在摇滚乐队中担任键盘手。在温哥华,她曾担任樱花合唱团(日本合唱团)的伴奏长达4年。同时,她也是 CoSei 乐队的成员——与古筝(日本传统乐器)演奏家/歌手组成的二重奏组,并在各种日本节日中表演。她还担任温哥华 Holy Cross Japanese Anglican Church 的钢琴手/歌手职务。

Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. She started playing piano at the age of 7. Ms. Hayakashi is fluent in both English and Japanese. Ms. Hayakashi is a patient, friendly, and well – disciplined teacher with adequate teaching experience. She is specialized in teaching piano from beginner to intermediate level with competent result. She has studied piano with Steinway Artist Professor Arthur Rowe and holds Bachelor of Music in Piano from University of Victoria. Aside from school, she has also performed in a Rock Band as a keyboardist. In Vancouver, she was an accompanist for Sakura Singers (Japanese choir group) for 4 years. Seira is member of CoSei – A duo with a Koto (Japanese Traditional Instrument) player/singer and has been performing in various Japanese Festivals. She is also a pianist and vocalist at Holy Cross Japanese Anglican Church in Vancouver.

Emily Liu

钢琴教师 Piano Instructor, 维多利亚钢琴本科 Bachelor of Music in Piano (B.Mus, Uvic)

Emily老师从 4 岁开始学习钢琴,并通过皇家音乐学院 (RCM) 钢琴演奏与笔试中获得了优异的成绩和荣誉。她毕业于维多利亚大学钢琴音乐学士学位。Emily老师师从于钢琴家伊娃·索拉·金德曼 (Eva Solar-Kinderman)、尤米·金 (Yoomi Kim) 和布鲁斯·沃格特 (Bruce Vogt) 等多位导师的私人钢琴指导。 Emily 热衷于帮助学生在音乐、情感与钢琴学术指导上取得充分发挥的潜力;除此之外她还对神经音乐学富有浓厚的兴趣。在不久的未来,Emily计划攻读教育学第二学位,为从事教育领域的教学工作取得更高的造诣。过去,Emily老师曾在维多利亚州的婚礼和当地医院提供音乐表演,室内合唱团伴奏。Emily老师英文授课,也可用简单日常普通话沟通。除了钢琴之外,她还教授英语和法语,并喜欢烘焙和摄影。

Emily started learning piano at the age of 4, she passed the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) piano performance and examination with excellent results and honours. Emily has private piano instruction from pianists Eva Solar-Kinderman, Dr. Yoomi Kim and Bruce Vogt, among others. Emily is passionate about helping students reach their full potential in piano learning; in addition, she has a strong interest in the field of neuromusicology. In the future, Emily plans to pursue a second degree in Education with a higher teaching career in the field of education. In the past, Emily has provided music performances at weddings in Victoria and local hospitals, accompanied by chamber choirs. Emily teaches in English, and can also communicate in simple daily Mandarin. In addition than teaching piano, she also teaches English and French and enjoys baking and photography.